How to Disable password Remembering in Browsers.

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It is convenient to log into website instantly by storing password in your browser but it also a security risk. For this reason you may want to erase your login data before letting someone else to use your computer.

In Firefox follow the below steps
  1. Open the main menu or tools menu
  2. Choose options
  3. Click the security tab
  4. Click on saved passwords button
  5. Select password you want to delete
  6. Click remove

For Chrome follow the below steps
  1. Click the menu icon (three stacked lines, top right)
  2. Choose settings                                                                                                    
  3. Select advanced settings
  4. Find the passwords and forms heading
  5. Click the manage saved passwords
  6. Link underneath
  7. Highlight the password you want to remove
  8. Click the 'x' to delete it

For IE 10 follow the below steps
  1. Open tools menu
  2. Choose internet options
  3. Click the content tab
  4. Find autocomplete section
  5. Click the settings button
  6. Make sure there say tick next to “user names and passwords” on forms
  7. Click on Auto Complete history  


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